iCloud and iCloud Drive is a service provided by Apple which will securely store Cellar Star backups, provide a mechanism for Imports, and keep your Cellar Star inventory synchronized across all your devices (see: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/what-is-icloud-mh36832/mac).
In order to use these features, iCloud should be turned on for Cellar Star and for your desktop computer (see: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207689).
To turn On/Off iCloud for Cellar Star, tap Settings (gear in upper right corner of the main Screen) and move the iCloud slider to On.
If iCloud and iCloud Drive are not set up on your device and for Cellar Cellar Star, the Settings iCloud section will look like this:
On your device, go to Settings>Apple ID>iCloud make sure iCloud Drive and Cellar Star sliders are On.
With the iCloud turned On, the iCloud Section of the Cellar Star Settings should look like this:
In this example you can see a backup named 2020-05-18 was created on May 18th, 2020. Tapping on this cell will offer the choice to restore from this this backup (replacing your current inventory) or delete the backup. This backup can also be accessed via your desktop computer’s iCloud Drive. If you delete this file from the iCloud Drive or move it from the iCloud Drive on your desktop computer, the backup will no longer appear in the iCloud section of your Cellar Star Settings.
iCloud and iCloud Drive are also required to enable imports from other cellar tracking applications (see: import). The Import section of the Settings page looks similar to this:
In this example an import was completed June 7, 2020. Tapping on this cell will offer the choice to keep the import or delete it from your Cellar Star inventory. Once you keep an import, the bottles count against totals affecting in-app purchase limits.
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